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Offline vs. Online

“Those who started their relationship through an online request expect the process to go much more smoothly & quickly than the typical purchase process”

The benefits of online advertising over traditional advertising are Amazing.
Just to name a few of them… Cost, Easier targeting, Measurable, Versatility and Speed.
Online advertising is here to stay.

Offline Online
General Implementation: Planing, planning, planning, and then you have one big bang. Start small, very small, extremely focused, based on results improve, expand, optimize, and grow. Start spending big ONLY when you have good results.
Time to analyze results: Takes several weeks, if not months, needs a different process of a sampled group of people to give their feedback. Almost immediate results on your campaigns, per creative, per placement.
Results Analysis Based on people’s feedback. Based on actual usage (clicks, impressions, conversions, etc.).
Campaign Analysis: A separate process, involving additional cost and research. An integral part of the campaign.
Campaign Cycle: Ends when the ad is seen, and there is no direct link to the customer behavior based on the ad. full cycle is measured from impression, to click, to landing pag, to funnel, and finally the ‘thankyou’ page.
Targeting: Usually one big market, at best segmented based on medium Extremely fragmented, potentially every keyword is a segment.
Customization: Fixed messages can only be changed in different campaigns or editions of a publication. Can be tailored to each segment, and can be based on previous performance data.



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